Create A New Year to Celebrate! (Part 2)

Every year your capacity to walk the Earth as a Living Master expands, as does your inner most desire to live in peace, love, kindness and freedom ~ and continues to expand with each New Moon and Full Moon. When you use this energy expansion to increase your mastery, your ascension path unfolds with ease and grace. As you  recognize and realize each new heartfelt desire, you are filled with increasing gratitude and joy for your wonderful life. This is the natural process of evolution on planet Earth. Is this the way you are living your life?  – Masters of Ascension Serapis Bey & Lady Solaris

new earth
Image: “Waking Up In A Dream” by

Sharon Rose – This year of 2018 is a year of mastery. Numerology defines this year as an 11 ~ the Master.  2018 is perfectly poised to prepare you to realize you living as a Master and entering the New Earth. At the beginning of each new year ~ and this year especially ~ there is a deeper desire that is birthed within your awareness from your Divine Presence, your True Self.

What is the inner desire that is being birthed within you this new year? This is the next step of your unfoldment into being and living as the unique expression of Mother/Father God in physical form that you are. When you focus on your heartfelt desire and claim it as already realized by envisioning it clearly and feeling it deeply, it is immediately created on the spiritual realm. How? You are simply aligning with your True Self, your eternal Self, which is the embodiment of peace, unconditional love, compassion, wisdom, abundance, mutually-empowering win-win solutions and true sovereignty.

How do you then bring this already-manifested Master You into your day-to-day life? By creating a daily spiritual practice of consistently aligning your thoughts, ideas and beliefs with your heartfelt desire knowing it is already manifesting in your life. And by holding this knowing consistently, you will successfully bring it down through the mental plane.

As you continue to feel that your heartfelt desire is now your new reality, you will bring it down through the emotional plane. When this is what you are thinking and feeling most of the day, it will then appear on the physical plane as your experience.

As you connect with the Presence of Mother/Father God within you and listen to the guidance you are given, you will know the action steps to take that will lead to the actualization of your mastery.

The next time you want to engage in judgment, criticism or blame, take a moment to raise your vibration back to your True Self as an emissary of the Divine here on Earth. Choose to look at the one before you with the kindness, compassion and love  of your True Self. And see the other as the unique child of Mother/Father God that they are in their own unique expression. Speak with the Voice of Oneness that creates unity where before there was separation.

The next time you observe the dissolving of the old way that fills you with fear, remember that this is the year of Mastery and the old way must pass away to make way for the New Earth to appear. Reconnect with your True Self and the glorious unlimited Vision of the new world you have come to co-create with all the awakened ones that also long for an enlightened world that honors and respects all life and fills your heart with joy.

As you do this, you are preparing to enter the New Earth where there is no judgment, criticism, blame or negativity of any kind. Love has replaced fear, there is now serenity where once there was anger, kindness where once there was abuse, harmony where once there was war, mutual empowerment where once their was enslavement, sovereignty has replaced your present system, peace and plenty for all is now the law of the land as you joyfully create a new Golden Age of Freedom.

This is the year to take your next step in your spiritual evolution and raise your vibration to enter the New Earth.

You have come, Beloveds, to be part of the Great Awakening of humanity. As you step forth as the actualized Master that is already designed in your Divine Blueprint, you evoke a wave of awakening that brings forth a new world of compassion, harmony and sovereignty.  Make this year of 2018 a year to truly celebrate!

Private Mentoring with the Masters
A Year-Long Program
For more information, go to:
http:// walktheearthasalivingmaster. com/PMM.htm 

SF Source Jan 2018

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