Are You Ready for the New Earth?

The New Earth is on the horizon and moves closer every day. As the Earth shifts and expands into two different realities: the 3rd dimensional world of fear, limitation, pain and suffering you have known and the new ascended world beyond limitation where there is only peace, health, harmony, cooperation, loving relationships, mutual empowerment, abundance for all and freedom to create what will bring you joy, are you a vibrational match for this new world? – Mother Mary & the Order of the Divine Feminine

new earthSharon Rose – Since everything, including you, is composed of energy that is vibrating at a particular energy frequency, which in turn magnetizes people, circumstances & events to you on the same energy wavelength as a result of the energy vibration you are emitting. This is how the law of attraction works and literally how you create your reality.

To see if you are a vibrational match to the New Earth, take a look at where your focus is everyday. Are your thoughts, feelings, words and actions focused on peace, health, harmony, cooperation, loving relationships, mutual empowerment, abundance for all and the joy and freedom to create what you want in your life?  If so, you are a match for the new Earth and will easily and gracefully transition into this New Earth while still in your physical body.

Or do you find yourself focused on lack of peace and harmony, feeling a lack of radiant health, feeling competitive and not supported by others and experiencing competitive conflicted relationships, feeling disempowered and lack of abundance?  If so, then you are a vibrational match to the existing 3rd dimensional Earth of limitation.

Those of you on an Ascension in Consciousness Path know that when you are connected with your True Self, the Presence of Mother/Father God within you, you are automatically a vibrational match to the New Earth where all are aligned with the Divine Presence within.

On this free will planet of Earth, you have a choice of continuing in the 3rd dimensional world of limitation a few more turns around the sun or you can choose to ascend in consciousness into the New World that will actualize a New Golden Age of Freedom literally bringing Heaven to Earth. If you wish to be part of this glorious New Earth, the New Dawn that has been foretold for eons, you still have a little bit of time to shift your vibration to align with this New Earth.

Assess every area of your life to determine if you are vibrating at the 3rd dimension of fear, lack and limitation following the beliefs of your limited ego. Or are you following the inspired guidance of your unlimited True Divine Self, creating peace, harmony, radiant health, loving cooperative relationships, mutual empowerment and abundance for all?  Are you living a life of joyous collaboration and freedom?

If not, what are the  areas of your life that currently do not reflect your choice to be living in this magnificent New Earth? Where can you shift your consciousness to align with your True Self, so you are living the life of your dreams and heartfelt desires that you have come to Earth at this time of the Great Shift into a new Golden Age of Freedom to experience?  This is the Golden Opportunity of your lifetime you have come to Earth to live. Don’t miss it!

To assist you in fully realizing your Divine destiny and living in the New Earth and the New Golden Age of Freedom, we are here to personally and privately mentor you to actualize your Ascension and live as your True Self in Unity Consciousness. We would be honored to guide you in this in-depth year-long Private Mentoring with the Masters Program to create from the unlimited levels of your consciousness, actualize your Divine Blueprint, and ascend into the freedom, sovereignty and abundance of the Presence of Mother/Father God within you, truly walking the Earth as a Living Master.

SF Source Walk The Earth May 2018

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