Oracle Report Tuesday, September 26, 2017

black moon
“Pelican Rock” – photographer Ivy

Crescent Moon in Sagittarius:  perseverance

Sun: (before 6:00 pm ET/10:00 pm UT) – “a group of young people sit in spiritual communion around a campfire”

True Alignments:  common ground, making plans for the future, receptive/open-minded, pioneering spirit

Catalysts for Change:  alone, overly-reliant on others, disconnected with spirit, fear of self-expression, transfixed by drama

Earth: (before 6:00 pm ET/10:00 pm UT) – “two lovers strolling through a secluded walk”

True Alignments:  out of the shadows/obscurity, escaping harshness, being in the moment, search for love and inherent meaning, peace and quiet

Catalysts for Change:  too many rules, rushing or putting on pressure, jealousy, creating disturbances, self-centered

Laura Walker – Today’s energetics advise us to go around the swirl of chaos, disconnecting ourselves from it, and rising above it.  We take a different road – a higher path – away from the ugliness that is being pushed and expressed within the collective.  We reject the lower octaves that come with today’s conjunction of the Moon with Saturn and the Black Moon.  Those lower octaves are control issues, feelings of meaninglessness, giving up, lies, and efforts to form schisms between humanity.  It is all “old paradigm” — holdovers from the old world order that is currently in its demise.  It is just archontic noise, but it may get particularly loud (and even vicious).

Instead, we step up with the higher octaves of the Moon’s conjunction with Saturn and the Black Moon: the hero’s journey, quests for deeper understanding, that which makes life meaningful, expression of individuality and what one has to offer as a unique being, and acceptance of self and others.

We want to practice the image of being “in spiritual communion around a campfire,” the Sabian symbol for the degree of the Sun today.  We want to nurture that which is new, good, and true.  We may need to enlist the help or support of others in order to ensure it.  Group efforts are highlighted (and they usually make things stronger).

The Moon will conjunct Saturn at 8:15 pm ET/12:15 am UT.  The Moon will conjunct the Black Moon overnight at 2:41 am ET/6:41 am UT.  We are careful to integrate our own shadow sides (fears) if they try to escape and flood onto others.  We attend to our own issues and take personal responsibility for them instead of projecting them onto others or into the future.  We bypass negative attitudes, focusing on the fact that renaissance is unfolding as we witness the fall of the archons and their mind control matrices.

Today we go beyond division and beyond the attempts to break up our Love Party around the campfire.  We keep our heart fires close and our will power fueled.  (We attend to Wisdom and Will.)

(Note for those with the Sun, Chiron, or the Black Moon in Gemini or Sagittarius:  Today is a major day of rebirth for you, as well as your trailblazing of paths for the rest of humanity.  You are leading the way out of the collective shadow right now.  Practice acceptance.  Surrender to the rebirthing process and allow the Black Moon to take you into your new you.  Rest if needed, so that the effects can happen at the deepest levels of you.  The new you is almost ready to emerge.  The Black Moon will leave Sagittarius on November 9, so you are in the last throes of labor.  Your mightier self is coming.)

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