Find Your Own Ways To Happiness

Given all the misery in the world today, many find it hard to be happy and stay happy. On the contrary, though, happiness is not so hard to find. It’s only that many people allow external circumstances to affect them.

Of course, things would happen that would sadden us, but imbibing an attitude of happiness is key. The secret is that happiness comes from within. Therefore, you need to maintain your current spiritual energy by choosing happiness over sadness, joy over gloom always. This is how you can do it.

Be Yourself

Being yourself is accepting yourself for who you are. It means being satisfied with yourself and your life generally. Of course, human beings are naturally insatiable, and we always seek a new way to grow. Being yourself doesn’t equal to being complacent about life. It is about being content with where you are and trusting the process while seeking ways to improve. Contentment brings happiness

However, you have to know you. Try to figure out your personality traits (both good and bad) and understand why you act as you do. This is a form of self-audit that would make you identify your strengths and weaknesses, build on the former and repress the latter. Happiness is key, and by doing this, you feel more in control of your life and eventually become happier.

Many people live sad lives because they filter their actions based on what other people will think or say about them. Feel free to express yourself (even against society’s arbitrary norms). And surround yourself with optimistic and non-judgmental people that will understand and accept you for who you are. Also, say positive things about yourself always.

Words are magic, and you are what you speak.

Express Gratitude

A generally contented and happy outlook of life is a product of gratitude. I understand that many people now emphasize the importance of gratitude today that it soon begins to feel like an empty cliché. But it is not. Being grateful for even the most mundane things, like having clear weather, unlocks happiness. Don’t reserve your joy for the big moments; celebrate your small victories too.

I admit that challenges happen to everyone. Nevertheless, when faced with difficulties, gratitude (not worry) helps you navigate the dark times. Happiness can be found in the darkest of times. If, for instance, you’re down with some illness, being happy and grateful for merely being alive would improve your outlook and push you to fight that trouble.

But tasks, opportunities, victories, and challenges aren’t the only things to be grateful for? We should be grateful for, and to people too. Appreciate the people in your life: your family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, loved ones as a whole and connect with them from time to time. Saying kind things to and about them is important because words are magic. All of these are the keys to having happier relationships.

Form New Habits

Now, I’m not referring to the unnecessary following the bandwagon kind of change. I mean the type of change that causes you to build real positive habits. Exercise more; eat better; sleep better. These are simple habits that improve your well-being. And you can cultivate them with almost nothing more than determination and self-discipline. Building habits and skills such as public speaking, social skills, etc. make you feel relevant in the world and happier.

But many people make mistakes when building new habits. Habits take time to form and experts advise that you work on only one practice at a time. That will take your focus and help you work better at it. Also, it is good to start simple, set the standards low, and work your way to the top. If your goals are necessarily far-reaching, then you can break them down. For instance, rather than losing a lot of pounds in 6 months, focus on losing a few each week and be consistent.


Want to be happier? Follow the three principles:

♦  Be yourself.

♦  Express gratitude always.

♦  Form new, positive habits!

Shift Frequency © 2019 – Find Your Own Three Ways To Happiness

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