Get Enough Rest & Relaxation to Prevent Injury

rest and relaxationIt might seem as if you’ve had more than enough time to rest at home amid the pandemic, but are you truly relaxed? Are you ready to walk into 2021, physically, mentally, and spiritually?

For the first time in modern history, every person on earth can somehow relate to each other on many levels. We all went through a global pandemic, riots, human trafficking reports, natural disasters, the ongoing election dispute, and much more in 2020.

Although none of it was the first of its kind in human history, we’ve never been as connected as we currently are. Add to that the time you had available to watch every piece of news, and what you end with is a feeling of emotional burnout.

Is Being Connected Disconnecting You?

You didn’t go through 2020 alone. With social media platforms available at your fingertips, you lived out countless tragedies with your fellow humankind all over the world. Social media indeed makes the globe seem smaller. The problem is that you never switch off. You live through numerous tragedies and disasters daily, as if it’s happening to you too.

Besides being emotionally traumatized by what you see happening globally, it also has a long-term effect of desensitizing you, according to Michael Pittaro, Ph.D.

The Crime and Justice Doctor. Watching tragedy, violence, and hatred is emotionally disconnecting you from reality. It can leave you utterly desensitized and feeling numb to real-life tragedies.

It can lead to various mental and, eventually, physical problems. Being constantly connected is tiring, even if you don’t realize it yet.

Decompress to Get the Rest Your Mind and Body Needs

Personal injuries are more likely to occur when you’re stressed and tired. With the festive season peeking around the corner, it’s the perfect time to decompress and relax after 2020.

Let’s discuss the easiest way you can detach from the world’s problems to enter the new year with renewed zeal.


You can set aside a few days, at least three to five, to unplug from all your electronic devices. The only way to avoid seeing, hearing, and experiencing all that’s wrong in the world is to cut off from it for a while.

We live in a time where humanity is overstimulated but misinformed. It can lead to an altered reality that’s very unhealthy. If you take a break from the internet, you should use the time to get proper rest and reconnect with your values and ideologies, and not what the mainstream media forces you to absorb daily.

Reconnect With Real People

According to an article published on Forbes Online, this ‘virtual’ reality created by spending too much time on the internet has negative long term effects. It can cause low self-esteem and even social anxiety. Use your time away from it to reconnect with real people, friends, and family.

There’s a popular meme doing the rounds on, yes, you guessed it, social media. It says modern technology connects you to people far away but takes you further away from the ones closest to you. It might sound like a cliche, but it’s the truth.

The Bottom Line

You might be wondering how it all comes together. Your mind, body, and soul are intricately woven together, and what’s good for one is good for the other. You can’t separate any part of it to benefit your overall wellness. To enter the new year with a new zest for life, you should get the rest your mind and body are aching for.

Shift Frequency © 2020 – Get Enough Rest &
Relaxation to Prevent Injury

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