Large Hadron Collider Exposed: The Stargate Of Shiva

Galactic Human – According to researcher William Henry, the ancient Egyptian object named Ta-Wer (aka “Osiris” device), was a stargate machine capable of opening wormholes or dimensional openings used by Seth and Osiris to “travel across the underworld.”

cern Is CERN the new “Osiris Ta-Wer”? A modern stargate machine based on
ancient technology?

When work at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is completed in 2015, the collider will have twice the power and be able to unlock more of the universe’s mysteries. It will explore an entirely new realm of physics. With the LHC power doubled scientists will start looking for what they think is out there and they hope that something will turn up that no one had ever thought of.

Right now I almost can see in my mind a bunch of ATSers jumping in their chairs, in front of the computer and saying “Oh no, another weirdo going nuts about the LHC”

Well, just my two cents that, after reading what I’m sharing here some of you will stop thinking that the purpose of that gigantic device is to reproduce the primordial spark of the big-bang and start to figure out what really may be this project’s agenda.

Whether the LHC is or is not a stargate machine there is another very suspicious object, well known to ancient Egyptians, that may have had the same purpose as a collider: The Ta-Wer, meaning “The Eldest Land.”

The Ta-Wer is known among UFO researchers as “The Osiris Device.” According to mainstream scholars the Ta-Wer was only a mystic symbol that represented a connection between Abydos and some mythical place in the underworld, interpreted as the “Land of the Dead”.

stargateHowever it’s common knowledge among UFO researchers that the Ta-Wer depicted in paintings in the walls of Abydos temple is a structure that could be part of a huge device that activated dimensional portals, stargates or wormholes.

Yeah, now is the time where people here are saying “You gotta be kidding. It’s a boat that has represented the crossing between life and death…“ Indeed the scholars have alleged that the boat-like object seen in that painting, was the so called “Boat of Million Years“ used by Ra to travel across the underworld.

Is it, really, just a boat??

stargateAbove you see a model of cosmic wormhole, that matches with Kurt Gödel’s theory that because nothing is believed to travel faster than light a “shortcut” could be opened in certain coordinates of space to connect two distant points. A huge amount of energy would produce a huge amount of gravitation that could “bend”  space, forming two light cones interconnected by a space-time tunnel through which matter could pass.

stargateAbove, pay particular attention to Sety who appears to have transformed his body into the Osiris Device – or is coming out of it. This is a wonderful moment of transformation and resurrection. Notice that his body is twisted or warped. And below you see a 3D render of the Gödel’s stargate. Needless to say it’s just IDENTICAL to the Ta-Wer.

stargateBelow you see a group of Neter, “The Watchers”: Isis, identified by Zecharia Sitchin as the Anunnaki goddess NIMAH aka Hathor, plus Osiris, Seth and Horus, identified as sons of MARDUK aka RA.

stargateNow is the time where people are saying “What the heck does this have to do with the Large Hadron Collider and Shiva???” Before I elaborate my point, watch this video with a great 3D motion, explaining how the LHC works:


On the radar

The LHC is a particle booster, built to beam up protons in very high speed and opposite directions, until they collide creating a huge amount of energy capable to reproduce similar cosmic conditions that have creating such phenomena as dark matter, antimatter and ultimately the creation of the universe billions of years ago. The scientist team keeps the beam up speed, between 3.5 and 7 TeV (Teraelectron Volts) to reach a collision energy around 90 times to over 500 TeV. They plan increase the speed of beam up around 12 TeV until 2012.

Under the radar

1) According to Prof Irina Aref’eva and Dr Igor Volovich, both mathematical physicists at the Steklov Mathematical Institute in Moscow, the energies generated by the subatomic collisions in the LHC may be powerful enough to rip space-time itself, spawning wormholes.

2) According to Fermilab director, Pier Oddone, 7 TeV of beam up speed could cause a collision with energy enough to reproduce to reproduce the conditions of the universe one second after the Big Bang. (Remember that the scientists want reach 12 Tev until 2012)

3) According to a team of brainiac scientists as the Nobel physicist Frank Wilczek, the Astronomer Martin Rees, the physicist Adrian Kent of Cambridge, the space engineer Richard Wagner and the chemist and physicist Ph.D Otto Rossler, the LHC could “turning the planet into a smoking asteroid the size of a baseball park” or “to create a micro black hole swallowing the Earth from the core outwards, if not the sun” through the generation of huge amounts of energy equivalent to a thermonuclear bomb per second.

stargateYou can check this data here and here

My point is that the scientists behind the LHC know EXACTLY what they are doing, despite they PRETEND don’t know. They cynically talk as if they were exploiting the coincidences of nature, but that device was built as solid secret purpose.

“Give me a glass ball, a crystal ball, then I would know but I don’t know what nature has for us.” Professor Rolf-Dieter Heuer, CERN director.  Continue reading . . .

I strongly recommend you complete reading this article as many interesting depictions from various civilizations are used to demonstrate the intended activities at CERN. – g

SF Source Mission Galactic Freedom

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