Overcome the Lesson by Re-Purposing the Energy

lessonsJennifer Hoffman – How do we overcome the challenges of our life lessons? When do we get to the point where they are no longer obstacles to our growth, transformation, and joy? What can we do to make that process happen so we can get on with this ascension journey and have the joyful, abundant, peaceful lives that we crave? The answer is simple – we re-purpose the energy of the lessons so rather than repeating the past, we create a new and different outcome in the present. Lessons do not go away; they just transcend the karma to create a new level of divinity.

While we want to ensure that we ‘learn our lessons’ in this lifetime, mainly because we don’t want to have to repeat the lessons again, we also want them to end because they are painful, difficult, and make us unhappy. So we slog through them hoping to overcome their karmic past and energy. And we do that by trying to get the other person or people to change – we try to heal them and think that this is what we’re supposed to do. Then once they are healed, the lessons are over and we can all move on.

But lessons are focused on our energy and on what we do. The other people involved are holding frequencies for us and being part of situations that we experience. They are the supporting actors in this karmic play and their purpose is to get us to change by making us very uncomfortable. The karmic energy that repeats in our lessons is what we are supposed to re-purpose, to have a different response or reaction to. Once we do that, the karmic play is over and everyone can move on, including us.

How does that work? Say you have a very critical parent who is never happy or satisfied with anything you do. No matter how hard you try, nothing you do is ever good enough for them. Sound familiar? Now you could spend a lifetime trying to make this person happy, and have probably done so in many lifetimes. With this life lesson you will choose critical, judgmental people and situations and always find that you are dealing with people who are never satisfied with anything you do. You will spend your life trying to make these people happy, trying to get them to accept, value, and support you and you will go through your life feeling angry, frustrated, and unloved. That is one option, there is another one.

The other option is to re-purpose that energy of criticism and judgment to become so self confident, appreciative, and strong that you will succeed in everything you do. Not because no one ever judges or criticizes you but because even if they do, it doesn’t matter. You have learned to transcend the criticism and judgment, and re-purposed that energy to realize that you are a wonderful, fantastic, talented, amazing person. And that is how you overcome your life lessons.

No matter what the lesson is, transcension is the purpose – to do something different than you have done in the past, in this lifetime and in others. Rather than trying to change someone’s opinion of you, your lessons are to change your opinion of yourself, to stop limiting your life based on others’ opinions and perceptions and to acknowledge your divine perfection in spite of whatever you have experienced in the past.

The moment you refuse to stay in a karmic cycle with someone, your lesson has been learned and when you re-purpose that energy you have achieved the transcension that allows ascension (moving into a higher frequency and vibration) to occur. The next time someone says that ‘you are not good enough’ and you can turn that energy around and re-purpose that statement to ‘I am divinely perfect’ you have overcome that lesson. Shine on!

Copyright (c) 2018 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

SF Source Enlightening Life Apr 2018

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