Marion Le Pen Dismantles Feminist Hypocrisy in 3 Minutes [Video w/ English sub-titles]

With so much doom and gloom in the news cycle, we thought it would be prudent to share something that will help restore your faith in humanity.

Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, the elegant, articulate niece of Front National leader Marine Le Pen, dissected the dizzying mental gymnastics of modern day feminism during a scathing 3-minute speech in front of her fellow French parliamentarians.

Le Pen made her remarks during debate on a ban of pro-life websites and the spread of “false information” regarding abortions, but she went after more than just SJW censorship:

Feminism had been reduced to “sexism in grammar, a pink toy in a happy meal”,  Maréchal-Le Pen said, adding that feminists had “lost the plot” on real threats. The real threats, she said, were issues like the migrant sex assault in Cologne on New Year’s Eve 2015/2016 and Islamic law which she said was “being enforced in some of France’s districts”.

She slammed feminists’ views of the “patriarchy” and their placing blame on “heterosexual white men”. She also accused leftists of cosying up to Islamists to further their cause adding the alliance was the reason “self-proclaimed protectors of women’s rights” defend the Islamic veil which she called an “Islamic submission tool”.

Watch the entire, glorious 3 minutes:

This speech took place during a debate in the French Assemblée Nationale on a new law which prohibits “dissemination of……misleading information” on abortion. For more info on this speech and Marion Le Pen click “show more”.

The law is known in French as le Délit d’Entrave à l’IVG. The law was passed.

Marion Maréchal-Le Pen is the youngest ever member of the French Assemblée Nationale. –…

SF Source Russia Today Feb. 2017

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