Gary Owens: The Sumerian Tablets, Dimensional reality & V2K-Neurophone-Artificial telepathy [Video]

Alfred Lambremont Webre – A II Z Rock star, Entrepreneur & Targeted Individuals Association [TIA] founder Gary Owens shares his deep research into the Sumerian Tablets, Inter-dimensional reality, and the application & misuse of Artificial Telepathy into V2K Voice to Skull mind control by the Masons & by intelligence agencies, following the discovery of the Neurophone to enhance consciousness by Dr. Patrick Flanagan.


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How the Neurophone & Microwave Audio Effect are used in Tandum with modern Telco data delivery systems like microwave emitter beams and broadcasts, as a V2k (Voice to Skull) device in Gang Stalking and theft of IPR (Intellectual Property Rights).

V2k (Voice to Skull) 28/03/2017

Targeted Individuals Association – Author: Gary Owens

You can receive a copy of this research paper by Gary Owens, President of the Targeted Individuals Association [TIA] by joining the TIA at:

This research paper is also reprinted at the following link:

A II Z Rock star, Entrepreneur & TIA founder Gary Owens explains how Neurophone can enhance our consciousness & how Masons & Transhumanist Agenda misuse V2K Voice to Skull/artificial telepathy to mind control & enslave humanity

SF Source April 2017

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