Possible Set Up For False Flag? [Video]

James Gilliland – I usually do not get caught up in these dramas but this one I have a real bad feeling about.


The NWO, Politicians involved in Satanic Rituals, pedophile activity etc are scared. They know their time is up and the chickens are coming home to roost. The DNC will resort to anything to stay in power one act which might me a major false flag to invoke a state of emergency.

They are trying with no evidence whatsoever to demonize Russia and provoke a war. Russia is taking the high road yet these men and women are desperate. Desperate people do desperate things.

Trump beat Hollywood, the DNC, Silicon Valley, the Fake News lame stream media, The NWO and when in office things will be seen for what they are and actions will be taken. I hope any plots, false flag attacks, or any other schemes be dealt with before they manifest. Keep your eyes open, ears to the ground and pray.

SF Source www.eceti.org  Jan. 2017

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