Power Path Update

“Full moon, 21 May 2016” – photographer Andrew H.

Lena Stevens – The theme for the month of January, Evaluation-Action, has manifested for some in getting caught in the Evaluation part and ending up in deep reevaluation taking the form of confusion, inertia, lack of motivation/inspiration, maybe even physical illness, and in extreme cases a kind of despair about what to do and where to put your energy (if you had any). For you, the practical Action piece may seem like a distant unattainable dream.

The evaluation and decluttering of old patterns, belief systems and habits is a big one, a task that may take more than just the month of January to accomplish. This is a huge step in your personal growth, and growth is the goal for the year. Identifying what doesn’t work and does not bring you joy is the hardest part and you can always ask for help in the next steps of clearing the clutter and reconfiguring the way you live your life. So if you are feeling slightly unraveled, it is probably a good thing even though it might be challenging.

There has never been a better time to focus on change as we have a very powerful full moon coming up on January 31. It comes with a lunar eclipse and eclipses always open up portals of more intensity and support for change. Because it is the second full moon of the month it is called a “Blue Moon” and it is also a Super Moon. Choices and decisions made during this time will carry a lot of weight into the future and any work you do in changing your patterns will be greatly empowered.

SF Source The Power Path Jan 2018

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