Researchers Admit That Prescription Drugs Cannot Cure Dementia

dementiaLucy Alvet – Dementia includes some common symptoms such as problems with communication and memory loss, which result from a few changes in the brain. Many health conditions and diseases can cause dementia like Alzheimer’s disease.

According to a research, there are about 47 million people who are suffering from dementia and there will be about 115 million people who have this mental disorder by 2050. As a result, learning how to prevent and treat this illness is very important.

List of Top 24 Tips How To Cure Alzheimer’s Disease Fast & Naturally At Home will show you some of the natural treatments for Alzheimer’s disease that you can apply with ease at home, so check it out!

I. Risk Factors Of Dementia

At the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference this year, many international experts concentrated on non-medical therapies, which the pharmaceutical industry may not be happy about.

Nonetheless, prescription drugs do not work for this problem, and occasionally, medications can make the mental condition worse.

Experts shared some interesting ideas that could make a huge change in the future patients with dementia, and their researches were also presented in The Lancet.

According to the studies, there are 9 risk factors that can increase the chances of getting dementia, and more than a third of the cases of dementia result from these risk factors. They include:

Snoring: A sleep condition called OSA has been found to associate with a higher Alzheimer’s risk. This condition involves in starting and stopping breathing during sleep, which decreases oxygen supply and causes high blood pressure, heart disease and dementia.

Drinking diet soda: This can increase the risk of developing dementia due to the direct effect of artificial sweeteners.

Hearing loss and low education: Both risk factors are associated with dementia risks nearly equal to those of obesity, smoking and high blood pressure.

Calcium supplements: Although calcium can help in building strong bones, taking over-time calcium supplements can increase the dementia risk. Study showed the association between dementia and calcium supplements, but it did not reveal cause and effect. The reason for that may be calcium supplements could alter blood vessels as well as blood flow to the brain, which causing changes in the brain and dementia.

Dizziness: Older adults who have the reduction in blood pressure could have a 15% increase in their dementia risk compared with those who do not. Fortunately, to deal with this condition, patients can try slowing getting out of bed, doing more exercises and drinking enough water.

ADHD: A recent research suggests that adults who suffer from ADHD are more likely to have dementia as well as mild cognitive impairment than other adults who do not.

An unhealthy heart: Keeping the heart healthy can give the brain a boost. Some health conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure can increase the risk of heart disease and dementia.

Decreased REM sleep: Older adults who spend less time in rapid-eye movement, sleep have higher risk of developing dementia than those who have more REM sleep. Although the study suggested an association between dementia and decreased REM sleep, there is no exact reason for that.

Head injuries: Both nonrepetitive and repetitive head injuries are associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

II. How To Reduce Dementia Risk

To reduce the risk of developing dementia, we need to increase education during early life, deal with obesity, hypertension, and hearing loss in midlife. The combined methods can help reduce the risk up to 20%.

In late life, we need to quit smoking, manage diabetes, exercise more, manage diabetes, treat depression and increase social contact. These solutions can help reduce dementia incidence by 15%. On the other hand, targeting the genetic factor gene ApoE can only prevent about a tenth of the dementia cases.

The conclusion of the commission is that non-pharmacologic interventions are very important for treating dementia, especially when it comes to dealing with health issues such as aggression and agitation.

According to a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, patients who took antipsychotic drugs have reported to have a 60% higher risk of getting early death than those who did not.

Meanwhile, social, psychological and environmental interventions such as social contact and social activities work better than antipsychotic drugs. They also welcomed the benefits of physical activity and cognitive stimulation therapy.

According to a recent study, physical activity has direct effects on the metabolism of the brain by maintaining the stable cerebral choline concentrations.

III. Prescription Drugs Cannot Cure Dementia

Of course, this is a huge missed chance for the pharmaceutical industry, which sees nothing but money.

If you are looking for the reasons why do not make non-pharmaceutical ways to prevent dementia, you need to know the fact that health care costs dementia related problems nearly $818 billion in 2015 and the amount of money can increase when the number of dementia cases goes up.

However, there is currently no medical treatment to prevent or treat dementia. Scientists have found the causes of the illness, but they have not found effective medical treatment. They also showed that pharmaceutical drugs may never deal with dementia. The treatment could be a kind of therapy.

Although there is no cure that stops the progression of dementia, there are some therapies that can temporarily improve dementia symptoms. For example, cognitive therapies can be the answer.

Besides, experts also revealed that prevention is better than cure. So, the best way to cure dementia is to prevent it from occurring.

It is recommended to follow a healthy, balanced diet, exercise regularly, maintain a healthy weight, maintain a stable blood pressure level, limit the consumption of alcohol and stop smoking in order to improve your mental health.

We hope you find the information helpful after reading this article. Actually, there is no treatment for dementia, but by making some lifestyle and dietary changes, you can reduce the dementia symptoms effectively.

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SF Source Humans Are Free Jul 2018

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