Spiritual Shaming, Judgments and Criticisms

spiritual shamingJennifer Hoffman – How do you respond to someone who says that you are not ‘spiritual’ because you don’t do what they want, they disagree with your opinions, or they are critical of where you are on your spiritual path? The short answer is that your spiritual path is none of their business (it’s true). The longer answer is that they have neither the right nor the ability to judge you and this reflects more on their own level of spiritual awareness than on yours. Spiritual shaming is one way the spiritual community competes with itself and it is not a good thing.

This Enlightening Life archive article on spiritual shaming describes it well, you can read it here, and it arose from an incident where someone said I wasn’t ‘spiritual’ because I refused to offer free business advice. I have heard similar stories from others whose level of spirituality and spiritual awareness were called into question because someone disagreed with them, or they refused to do something that someone wanted. These kinds of judgments do not serve anyone’s path and shaming someone for any reason, least of all their spirituality, is a source of separation and disconnection, some of the 3D aspects we are working very hard to overcome.

Jealousy is a source of spiritual shaming, in response to your success, your light, your expanding awareness and movement along your path. It is an attempt to bring you back to a level where someone does not feel threatened by you because your success makes them feel inferior.

Another source of spiritual shaming is competition, and we see this often today. Someone feels they must be at a higher level, brighter, more accomplished, and moving faster than anyone else. Competition is a 3D energy whose 5D counterpart is collaboration. We cannot compete with each other spiritually because there is no standard, everyone moves at their own pace, in alignment with their soul mission of healing, learning, growth, and expansion. Ascension is not a marathon and the first person over the finish line gets a prize. It is an individual path which is part of the collective ascension journey, no one finishes first or last, we are all where we need to be at every moment.

If you are spiritual shamed by someone who criticizes and judges you for ‘not being spiritual’ remind them that your spirituality is none of their business, it’s a contract between you and Source. And then continue on your journey with confidence in your heart and joy in your spirit because you, and only you, are able to have any opinion, knowledge, or awareness about your level of spirituality.

Here’s a short video about the topic of spiritual shaming, and you can read the article ‘Spiritual Shaming is the New Black’ at this link.

Copyright (c) 2018 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

SF Source Enlightening Life Jan 2018

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