Teach Your Dog Tricks: 3 Interesting Tricks

train dogAlmost all tricks require concentration from the dog, which means that training begins no earlier than 4 months of age. There is no higher age limit, if the dog is active, loves to walk and spend time with the owner, then it can be trained. Stunt is a game, its foundations are in motivation and positive training methods, without the use of punishment or harsh pressure.

The right way is to work on relationships, the pet should strive to please you. Always remember for what purpose you got a dog, because some service breeds do not recognize games at the “genetic level”.

Choose exercises based on the skills you already have. Do not force events and initially train your pet to work in any conditions – on the street, at home, at a party. There are dog training courses online to help you.


The simplest, albeit “slobbering” trick is “Kiss”. Let your dog sniff the treat. Sit the animal in front of you, step on the leash with one foot so that the pet cannot make a sharp jerk. Give the command “Kiss”, pinch the treat with your lips and bend over to the dog. Be careful and restrain the pet with the leash, you need the dog to gently pick up the treat, and not grab it with his teeth. As you practice the skill, allow the animal to place its paws on your chest.


A body position that pets often take on their own, stretching or playing with relatives. The dog that has executed the command stands on its hind legs and lies on its front legs. The starting position is at the left foot. We step on the leash with our left foot, with our right hand move the treats away from the nose, forward and downward.

We make the pet to lie down without giving the command to lie down. As soon as it begins to stretch the front paws, we push the left hand under the stomach, restraining the reflex forward movement, give the command “Bow”. Initially, even a slight tilt of the dog’s body is considered a successful command.

Hop through a ring

Dogs who have mastered the “Barrier” command are being trained. Initially, you will need a large diameter gymnastic hoop. Using a treat, teach your dog to walk through a hoop that is on the ground. Gradually, increase the height between the surface and the projectile, provoke the dog to jump. Do not use the “Barrier” command!

When the dog learns to confidently jump over the ring, the diameter of the projectile must be reduced. Further, the hole is pulled over with paper strips, the number of which is gradually increased. As a result, the dog in a jump effectively breaks the whole canvas, which will tighten the projectile.

And most importantly – do not forget to praise the pet, a positive approach to training, increases its effectiveness – proven and tested.

With love for your dogs!

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3 Interesting Tricks


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