Weekly Forecast: December 5 – 11, 2021

12/6 – Mars (desire & action) sextile Pluto (purification & transformation)

energyKelly M Beard – This is lower will meets Higher Will ~ within you! Mars is your inner Masculine and therefore helps you take action & make choices according to who you are and what you want. Pluto will ensure that you come from the purest place within (Soul-level), which often entails a cleansing of the non-essential and over-growth of the last cycle first.

Luckily, this is not a “hard/bad” activation but an opportunity to connect with what you really want, at the deepest Soul-level, which will naturally lead to whatever is blocking that and its ultimate release. Keep in mind that those who are more out-of-touch with who they are and what they want tend to explode & implode when Mars & Pluto get together, even in a positive aspect like this one.

This is a potent and (thankfully) positive mix of energy & power coming together. Direct it wisely on your own behalf. This activation is a great opportunity for substantial forward movement, however, nothing worthwhile comes without conscious effort and sacrifice. (With Pluto involved there is always a sacrifice.)

In this case, the sacrifice will likely be where your vision of the final outcome is concerned. Your desires can/will be fulfilled but they just may not “look” like you thought they would. Remember, when it comes to “wanting” anything, stay in touch with the “feeling” that your desire brings rather than the physical appearance or manifestation. You always want to set your intentions, do the work, then allow Spirit to breathe LIFE into the vision.

12/7 – Mercury (communication) square Neptune (dissolution)

This is a mixed blessing energy. On one hand, it’s good for spiritual study and giving your dreams a little energy (if your schedule permits). On the other hand, it makes for major miscommunications between people.

Try to think before speaking, because if it’s possible to misunderstand or not ‘get it’ altogether, it could happen this week. Be careful not to let “longing” for your dreams to come true, to distort your judgment and mislead you into believing the illusion.

With this energy, some people will deliberately deceive and others have to be careful not to be misled. Stick to the facts or stay quiet, for now. You may even be inclined to withhold information to avoid a confrontation – don’t do it. Communicate with your Self and God today, otherwise plan to be very clear in explaining yourself to others (humans) so that there are no misunderstandings.

12/8 – Mars (passion & desire) square Jupiter (enthusiasm & excess)

This energy is usually expressed one of two ways (like most) – you can either over-extend your Self and your resources being overly optimistic without actually doing any planning or work, relying on luck alone and unfortunately, this expression will basically make you pay double (in more ways than one) down the road.

The better way to express this energy is to think of what you are doing today that can benefit you in the future. You have access to foresight, so use it to foresee what your ultimate goal is and what steps you can take today to make that happen. Focus on what can be, rather than what is right now. You also have access to increased energy and desire to push your own limits (consciously or not), which can be useful but not if you overdo it, then you defeat the whole purpose.

Calculated risk is okay – impulsive reactions – not-so-much. This is also the energy of when things are good – they are very good but when they are bad, they are terrible! So keep it positive, stay focused and balance your input with your output – mentally, emotionally and physically.

12/11 – Venus (love, finances & relationships) conjunct Pluto (purification & transformation)

(1 of 3: 12/11 – 12/25 | 3/3)

This is an Initiation and an energy that supports a brand new beginning in your personal life. Some aspect of your values & priorities has shifted or run its natural course and this is a time to move in a completely new direction, even if it only feels like moving to your own next level (with love, finances or relationships).

Pluto adds intensity to the mix, for better or worse, but also grants rare access to profound levels of connection within and with those you are in alignment with on a Soul-level. This is the ultimate support for the power of love to transform ALL. Because your values and priorities are changing, relationships must also undergo a similar adjustment (when you change, everyone around you changes or goes away).

Beware of value differences that can cause power struggles which are not productive, that’s often just the ego distracting you from an opportunity to release some dead weight and move into the new with more ease & grace. Try to create circumstances that are win/win and mutually beneficial, this will allow the relationship to evolve, rather than devolve or revolve back into the new cycle and thus, repeating a negative pattern.

12/11 – Mercury (your voice) sextile Jupiter (expansion)

Where Sun sextile Jupiter is more about YOU, this activation is more about your consciousness, ideas, thoughts & concepts (Mercury), which Jupiter expands in some way, helping you to ‘think bigger’, edit your personal Story and step up your game in some way.

This is also a great energy to work with if you are in school, learning something new, expanding your knowledge base or gathering new tools & information to support your goals. Your dreams are tapping you on the shoulder, demanding some attention.

Mundane issues are not your concern right now, you will want to figure out how to create the life you’ve been imagining. This energy also provokes within you the awareness & understanding that being generous naturally attracts generosity to you. The big picture and overall patterns which have led you to this point are being brought into the light. Feeling clear, sharp, alert and optimistic, you may begin to realize that anything you can imagine (or remember), you can achieve.

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